Thursday, June 14, 2007

Things here in Neno are progressing quite well. My job responsibilities change every day, and they will continue to change every day until I leave. I will be doing everything from overseeing the construction of the new hospital and staff houses, to gathering data related to local HIV patients for hospital programming, to doing advance preparatory work for President Clinton's visit in July, to teaching tutorial classes on the Internet for future hospital workers, to doing community outreach for future CHDI and PIH programs, and much more. I'm about to spend my first weekend in the village, and I can't wait to walk through the hills, visit all of the small villages, and meet all of the people. Rice and beans for every meal is surprisingly not bad--it's very flavorful and quite tasty!!! Seeing the people here pump their own water, carry bundles of wood on their heads, and walk 2 hours to and from work every day is making me feel pretty worthless! Maybe they can teach me how to balance a bucket of water on my head before August 10...


Chandle said...

Wait a go, Mollie. You are kicking some serious poverty butt. I'm proud to be your classmate. Have a great time in the villages.

Mari said...

Mollie I am glad to see you interacting with all the kids. Spread hope! Good job and good luck learning to balance a bucket on your head, Oprah tried and couldn't do it, but I have faith in you.